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Advanced Listening Lesson #29
Passo 1:
Ascolta il dialogo
Non guardare le domande fino a quando non hai ascoltato per intero il file audio. Leggere le domande prima non ti aiuterà a migliorare le tue capacità di ascolto.
Passo 2:
Quiz - Guarda le domande
1. Why is this person afraid of bee's?
Because they sting and it hurts
Because the person had a bad experience when that person was young
Because they are weird looking
Because they make a scary buzzing sound
2. Where do they usually tell horror stories?
In the movie theater
At a camp fire
In a funeral
Behind the bushes
3. What is one possible reason this person is afraid of many things?
Watched too many scary movies
Heard too many horror stories
Has too much imagination
Went outside in the dark alone too many times
4. What recommendation is give to be less scared of things?
To be with many people
To leave the lights on at night
To not watch scary movies
To think more realistically
Guarda le risposte
1. Because the person had a bad experience when that person was young
2. At a camp fire
3. Has too much imagination
4. To think more realistically
Se non sei sicuro riguardo alle risposte da dare alle domande, ascolta il file audio ancora una volta dopo aver letto le domande. Dopo che hai fatto tutte le tue scelte, puoi controllare le risposte e verificare quello che avevi capito.
Passo 3:
Mostra la conversazione.
A: "What are you afraid of?"
B: "I'm not sure. I used to be scared of a lot of things when I was young, but not anymore."
A: "Are you afraid of death?"
B: "Only if I think about it so much. But death is inevitable, so there is no use thinking about it."
A: "How about horror movies?"
B: "No. I know they're all fake so there is nothing to be afraid of. How about you?"
A: "I get scared pretty easily. I'm actually frightened of bee's."
B: "Really? Why?"
A: "I don't know. I got stung when I was young and ever since, I've always been afraid of them."
B: "What other things are you afraid of?"
A: "Sitting by the camp fire and telling horror stories is very scary."
B: "Wow. You're afraid of many things huh?"
A: "I guess so. Aren't you afraid of something coming out of the bushes?"
B: "It's not going to happen. We probably went camping dozens of times and nothing ever came out of the bushes. What makes you think something will?"
A: "I don't know. I guess I'm terrified at the possibility."
B: "If you were realistic, you probably wouldn't be scared of everything. Maybe you have too much imagination."
A: "I should try to think more realistically. I'll do that."
B: "Good. After awhile, you won't be afraid of so many things."
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