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Intermediate Listening Lesson #15
Passo 1:
Ascolta il dialogo
Non guardare le domande fino a quando non hai ascoltato per intero il file audio. Leggere le domande prima non ti aiuterà a migliorare le tue capacità di ascolto.
Passo 2:
Quiz - Guarda le domande
1. Why did they start talking about dieting?
They looked at themselves in the mirror
They need to lose weight for a school dance party
They saw a skinny girl that was on a diet
They saw a picture of a skinny model
2. How many different diets has one of the girl been on?
Too many to count
3. Why is one girl reluctant to go on a diet?
Does feel she needs to
Likes to eat ice cream too much
Just completed one diet and wants a break
Doesn't think she can benefit from a diet
4. When are they going to start?
Very soon, probably tomorrow
Very soon, next week
Next month after school is over
During summer break
Guarda le risposte
1. They saw a skinny girl that was on a diet
2. 4
3. Likes to eat ice cream too much
4. Very soon, probably tomorrow
Se non sei sicuro riguardo alle risposte da dare alle domande, ascolta il file audio ancora una volta dopo aver letto le domande. Dopo che hai fatto tutte le tue scelte, puoi controllare le risposte e verificare quello che avevi capito.
Passo 3:
Mostra la conversazione.
A: "Can you believe her? She is not even a hundred pounds and she is going off on how she wants to go on a diet."
B: "Tell me about it. If I was as small as her, I wouldn't think about going on a diet."
A: "Me too. But what are we going to do? I have been on 4 different diets and I can't seem to lose weight."
B: "That's because you don't exercise. If you were more active, you wouldn't have a dieting problem."
A: "What do you know? You are over weight too."
B: "I'm not on a diet though."
A: "I know. But I don't have someone to diet with. If we help each other and motivate each other, then I think we can lose some weight."
B: "I like ice cream too much though."
A: "C'mon. You'll feel better and look better and as a reward you can eat a little bit of ice cream here and there."
B: "It does sound appealing."
A: "It's a great idea. I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier. Going on a diet with a friend to back you up is a great way to succeed."
B: "Okay. I'm in. Let's do it."
A: "Great. I'll get our plan started right away."
B: "Can we start tomorrow though?"
Dovresti leggere la conversazione per aiutarti a studiare dopo che hai concluso l'esercizio di ascolto. Non leggere la conversazione prima di aver ascoltato il file audio o prima di aver risposto alle domande.
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