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Basic Listening Lesson #22
Passo 1:
Ascolta il dialogo
Non guardare le domande fino a quando non hai ascoltato per intero il file audio. Leggere le domande prima non ti aiuterà a migliorare le tue capacità di ascolto.
Passo 2:
Quiz - Guarda le domande
1. Why is Mike so happy?
He won the lottery
His wife won the lottery
He passed the bar exam
He passed the civil service exam
2. Who will Mike call with this good news later?
Hi brother
His wife
His parents
His friend
3. What does "cloud nine" mean?
A state of extreme happiness
To be in an airplane
To be in a high elevation
To be very disappointed
4. How is the friend feeling after hearing this news from Mike?
Sad and depressed
Bitter and Jealous
Happy for his friend
Angry and surprised
Guarda le risposte
1. He passed the bar exam
2. Hi parents
3. A state of extreme happiness
4. Happy for his friend
Se non sei sicuro riguardo alle risposte da dare alle domande, ascolta il file audio ancora una volta dopo aver letto le domande. Dopo che hai fatto tutte le tue scelte, puoi controllare le risposte e verificare quello che avevi capito.
Passo 3:
Mostra la conversazione.
A: "Mike, did you win the lottery or something? Why the big smile?"
B: "I'm so relieved. I just passed the bar exam."
A: "You did? That's great! You must be very happy now?"
B: "That's an understatement. I'm on cloud nine. I couldn't be any happier."
A: "Did you tell your parents yet?"
B: "Not yet. I didn't get a hold of them. I'll try to call them again tonight."
A: "They're probably going to be so happy."
B: "I think so. It's turning out to be a great day."
Dovresti leggere la conversazione per aiutarti a studiare dopo che hai concluso l'esercizio di ascolto. Non leggere la conversazione prima di aver ascoltato il file audio o prima di aver risposto alle domande.
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