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Basic Listening Lesson #18
Passo 1:
Ascolta il dialogo
Non guardare le domande fino a quando non hai ascoltato per intero il file audio. Leggere le domande prima non ti aiuterà a migliorare le tue capacità di ascolto.
Passo 2:
Quiz - Guarda le domande
1. What is the general mood of the ladies?
2. Why is Jane enjoying married life?
Husband makes a lot of money
Husband is loving and caring
Husband is supportive and helpful
Husband is smart and handsome
3. What do Jane and her husband do in the evenings?
Go bowling for fun
Take walks around the neighborhood
Have a nice dinner together
Watch TV together
4. What is one thing that Jane and her husband do NOT do together on the weekend?
Go out to the beach
Go to a nice restaurant
Go to watch a movie
Go to a nice cafe
Guarda le risposte
1. Happy
2. Husband is supportive and helpful
3. Have a nice dinner together
4. Go to watch a movie
Se non sei sicuro riguardo alle risposte da dare alle domande, ascolta il file audio ancora una volta dopo aver letto le domande. Dopo che hai fatto tutte le tue scelte, puoi controllare le risposte e verificare quello che avevi capito.
Passo 3:
Mostra la conversazione.
A: "Hey Jane. How are you doing these days?"
B: "Hi Martha. Everything is perfect."
A: "Are you enjoying married life?"
B: "It couldn't be better. My husband is so supportive with my work and he helps around the house so much."
A: "You're so lucky. I hope to get married to a guy like that."
B: "I'm so happy. Even though we are both working, we get to spend a lot of time with each other in the evening and on the weekends."
A: "Do you guys do anything special?"
B: "In the evening, we just sit and talk over dinner. But on the weekend, we try to go out to the beach or hit a nice restaurant, or go to a nice cafe."
A: "Sound like everything is great."
Dovresti leggere la conversazione per aiutarti a studiare dopo che hai concluso l'esercizio di ascolto. Non leggere la conversazione prima di aver ascoltato il file audio o prima di aver risposto alle domande.
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