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Sad and Depressed - Interactive Practice

Premi su Ascolta Tutto e prosegui. Dopo aver preso confidenza con l'intera conversazione, diventa il Soggetto A premendo sul tasto Soggetto A.In questo modo ascolterai solamente il Soggetto B attraverso l'utilizzo del file audio. Ci sarà silenzio in modo che tu possa ripetere le frasi del Soggetto A. Fai lo stesso con il Soggetto B. La velocità della conversazione è quella di un madrelingua. Premi il bottone pausa nel caso in cui la durata tra due frasi è troppo corta per te. Dopo aver fatto pratica per parecchie volte, sarai in grado di parlare velocemente come un madrelingua.

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Hey Mike. What are you doing?"
B: "Nothing much. What are you up to?"
A: "I was just concerned about Sam. He hasn't been himself lately."
B: "He took the civil service exam and failed."
A: "That sucks. He must feel depressed."
B: "Yeah. He's been sitting in his room everyday for the last 4 days."
A: "Why don't we take him out? We can try to take his mind off of it. In the least show him that we're there for him."
B: "That's a great idea. Why don't you call him? I already talked to him a couple of times and it might be good for him to hear from somebody else."
A: "Ok. I'll call you back after I'm done."
B: "Sounds good."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Sarah. You look terrible. What's wrong?"
B: "My grandmother just passed away."
A: "I'm so sorry to hear that. When did this happen?"
B: "A couple of days ago. I just got back from the funeral."
A: "Is there anything I can do?"
B: "No... not really. The sad thing is that I wasn't there when she died. I really wanted to be there one last time."
A: "I'm sure she knew you loved her. Did she pass away in the hospital?"
B: "Yeah. She died in her sleep."
A: "I'm sorry she's gone."
B: "At least she didn't suffer."
A: "I think your grandmother would want you to think of all the good times you spent together."
B: "I know. But I miss her."
A: "When my grandmother passed away, I frequently visited her in the cemetery. I always talked to her. Even though she wasn't there, I somehow knew she heard what I said."
B: "Yeah? That's what I was thinking too. Thanks."
A: "It looks like you haven't eaten anything all day. We should get you something to eat."
B: "You're right... I should eat something. Let's go."

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