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Stress - Interactive Practice

Premi su Ascolta Tutto e prosegui. Dopo aver preso confidenza con l'intera conversazione, diventa il Soggetto A premendo sul tasto Soggetto A.In questo modo ascolterai solamente il Soggetto B attraverso l'utilizzo del file audio. Ci sarà silenzio in modo che tu possa ripetere le frasi del Soggetto A. Fai lo stesso con il Soggetto B. La velocità della conversazione è quella di un madrelingua. Premi il bottone pausa nel caso in cui la durata tra due frasi è troppo corta per te. Dopo aver fatto pratica per parecchie volte, sarai in grado di parlare velocemente come un madrelingua.

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Hi Jackie. You don't look too well. What's going on?"
B: "It's nothing. I'm just a little stressed out."
A: "Why? What's stressing you out?"
B: "School. Since I was working part time, I had a difficult time keeping up with class. Now that we have exams coming up, I'm totally freaking out."
A: "The best thing to do is study as much as you can. I'm sure you'll do alright."
B: "I hope so. I guess I won't be sleeping for the next 3 days. That's what it'll take."
A: "I have to study for an exam too. Why don't we study together. We can encourage each other."
B: "That will be great."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Hey Mike. What are you doing tonight?"
B: "Nothing planned. How about you?"
A: "Work is kicking my ass. I'm so stressed. Let's go grab a drink."
B: "I'm always up for a drink. To tell you the truth, it's been quite stressful here too."
A: "I say we get drunk tonight. I don't want to think about all this stuff."
B: "But we have to work tomorrow."
A: "We won't stay out too late. I just need to forget about work."
B: "I hear ya. Let's do it."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "What stresses you out the most?"
B: "Probably my parents."
A: "How so?"
B: "Well, during school, they wanted good grades. Then after I got a job, they wanted me to get a better job. And finally, they want me to get married."
A: "You have to deal with a lot of pressure from your parents."
B: "Your parents are not like that?"
A: "Ever since I brought home some bad grades in elementary school, they never expected much."
B: "You're lucky."
A: "What do you do to deal with the stress?"
B: "Not much I can do. It's always there. I sometimes go out with some friends and drink, but that's only a temporary solution. The stress always returns in the morning."
A: "That sucks. You wanna go grab a beer?"
B: "Sure. Sounds great. Let's go."

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