Health Review - Interactive Practice
Premi su Ascolta Tutto e prosegui. Dopo aver preso confidenza con l'intera conversazione, diventa il Soggetto A premendo sul tasto Soggetto A.In questo modo ascolterai solamente il Soggetto B attraverso l'utilizzo del file audio. Ci sarà silenzio in modo che tu possa ripetere le frasi del Soggetto A. Fai lo stesso con il Soggetto B. La velocità della conversazione è quella di un madrelingua. Premi il bottone pausa nel caso in cui la durata tra due frasi è troppo corta per te. Dopo aver fatto pratica per parecchie volte, sarai in grado di parlare velocemente come un madrelingua.
1 | Listen All | Person A | Person B | A: "Hey Samantha. You've been so busy lately. What have you been up to?" B: "Hey Jackie. I started dating this cute guy and decided to start exercising." A: "You're not out of shape. You look fine." B: "Well, this guy I am seeing is a personal trainer and he has a perfect body. Compared to him, I need some work." A: "How long have you seen him?" B: "We've been together for about a month and a half." A: "Did you sleep with him yet?" B: "Not yet. But before I get into bed with him, I want to look fit." A: "That's not the greatest reason to exercise, but I guess it is a valid one." B: "How about you? Anything new in your life?" A: "My father is a little ill. He has been to the doctor's quite a bit lately but they don't know what is wrong with him. He complains about stomach pains a lot these days." B: "I'm sorry to hear that. Any idea what could have caused it?" A: "He says it is because he didn't take care of himself when he was young. That's why I want to start thinking about my health." B: "I think it is important to take care of yourself while you are young too. Even though my reasons are not the best, at least I am working on it." A: "How are your parents doing?" B: "They're doing great. I'm thankful that they are healthy." A: "That's good to hear. Well, I gotta get running now. I'll catch you later." B: "Ok. Send my regards to your father." A: "I will. Thanks."
| 2 | Listen All | Person A | Person B | A: "Wow Billy. Looks like you lost a lot of weight. I could hardly recognize you." B: "Thanks. I've been on a diet for about 6 months. I'm going to ask Rachel to marry me soon and I want to be mentally and physically healthy." A: "What does being overweight have anything to do with marriage? If you love each other, that's enough right?" B: "Yeah, but I want to show her how much she means to me, and this is one way of proving it. I'm changing for the better." A: "Good for you. Hey, when do you plan on proposing to her?" B: "I think I am going to propose to her on our 2 year anniversary." A: "Is she expecting it, or will it be a surprise?" B: "I think she expects me to ask her one of these days, but not anytime soon." A: "You sure you want to settle down already? You're only 25 years old." B: "Yeah, I didn't think I would get married until I was 30, but when you know she is the one, why wait." A: "That's true. Hey, I hope everything works out. You're going to invite me to your wedding right?" B: "Of course man." A: "Gosh, I'm still shocked how much weight you lost. You're getting real skinny now." B: "I am working on a six pack now. I have two lines starting to show up. I've been spending a lot of time at the gym. It is hard work, but I feel so good after working out." A: "Where do you work out?" B: "I have a membership at Bally's. It's not too expensive and I like all the equipment they have." A: "I've been thinking about joining a gym. Are they having any specials right now?" B: "Yeah, they do. They have free enrollment and first month free. You should come by. I'll show you around. I can take in a guest so you can try it out before signing up." A: "That sounds good. Let's go this Saturday." B: "Cool. I'll call you in the morning."
| 3 | Listen All | Person A | Person B | A: "Hey John. Who was that girl I saw you with last Friday night?" B: "Oh. That was Jessica. She's a girl I met the other week." A: "I thought you were seeing Patty?" B: "No. We broke up a couple weeks ago." A: "Are you getting pretty serious with this new girl?" B: "She's not long term. Just someone to chill with." A: "Ah... so you are boning her." B: "Damn right. But we don't have much in common. Oh well. At least we are compatible in bed." A: "She had a nice figure. You sure it's not going to work out?" B: "It works out well in bed, but if you try to have a conversation with her, it just dies out fast." A: "At least she is good for one thing. Ha ha ha." B: "How about you? You've been seeing Heidi for a long time now. When are you going to tie the knot?" A: "I don't know. She's been bugging me about marriage, but I don't see the need to rush it." B: "You guys have been seeing each other for like 3 years haven't you?" A: "Actually, it's been more than 4 years already." B: "Wow. That's a long time. Any problems with having a girlfriend for that long?" A: "Not really. It gets a little boring at times, but we grew to be great friends. I can totally be myself around her." B: "I think that is the best type of relationships. Good for you." A: "Well, if you put it that way." B: "I would love to be in your situation. You have a beautiful girl that you are in love with, and you are perfect for each other. What else do you want?" A: "Maybe a little more excitement." B: "So would you give up your girlfriend for what I have? A little excitement here and there? You can't have both you know. Unless you're a cheating dog." A: "I don't think I can go behind her back. We have a trusting relationship I don't want to risk." B: "Now you're making some sense." A: "It's always good talking to you man. You make me feel better." B: "Likewise. That's what friends are for right?" A: "So you coming out to play basketball this Saturday?" B: "Yeah. I'll be there." A: "Alright. I'll catch you then." B: "Alright man. Later."
| 4 | Listen All | Person A | Person B | A: "Hey Stephanie. Guess what?" B: "What?" A: "Robert asked me to marry him. We're getting married." B: "Congratulations. I'm so happy for you. So when is the big day?" A: "We haven't set the date exactly, but it looks like it will be sometime in July." B: "How did he propose to you?" A: "On Valentines day, he got me a present. I thought it was an ordinary Valentines day present, but when I opened it, it was this big diamond ring. Right then, he got on his knees and proposed." B: "That's so cool. So you really got surprised?" A: "We talked about marriage a little, but I never knew he was serious." B: "You are going to be busy with wedding plans. But you have several months to prepare for it." A: "It's going to be pretty hectic for me. So I'm going to need some help. First of all, I was wondering if you would like to be my maid of honor." B: "I would be honored." A: "So you're going to help me with the planning right?" B: "Of course. How many bridesmaids are you going to have?" A: "Three. So we will have a total of four." B: "Let me guess. Susan, Tina, and Cindy." A: "Close. I'm going to have Cindy as the candle lighter. The third bridesmaid is going to be Lydia. She is a good friend from church." B: "I know her. She's sweet. I'll make sure we have the best wedding for you." A: "I hope so. I appreciate your help."
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