Hobby - Interactive Practice
Premi su Ascolta Tutto e prosegui. Dopo aver preso confidenza con l'intera conversazione, diventa il Soggetto A premendo sul tasto Soggetto A.In questo modo ascolterai solamente il Soggetto B attraverso l'utilizzo del file audio. Ci sarà silenzio in modo che tu possa ripetere le frasi del Soggetto A. Fai lo stesso con il Soggetto B. La velocità della conversazione è quella di un madrelingua. Premi il bottone pausa nel caso in cui la durata tra due frasi è troppo corta per te. Dopo aver fatto pratica per parecchie volte, sarai in grado di parlare velocemente come un madrelingua.
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "Hey Bob. Whatcha you doing?" B: "I'm at home painting." A: "I didn't know you paint. What type of painting is it?" B: "I enjoy oil painting. I learned it in one of my extra classes in college." A: "That sounds so interesting. I wish I learned a hobby." B: "Hobbies are never too late to learn. They offer a variety of classes at the local community college. You should look into it." A: "I think I will. Thanks for the info."
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "Hey Joanne. What are you up to?" B: "I'm just watching some television." A: "I'm so bored. I don't know what I'm going to do today and it is only ten in the morning." B: "Me too. Do you think we are boring people?" A: "I don't think we are boring. It's just that we don't have any hobbies." B: "That's right. What do you think we should do as a hobby?" A: "That all depends on what you like to do. For example, I like to doodle on the notepad, so I'm thinking about doing some real drawings." B: "I like to play the piano for fun." A: "Yeah. That can be a good hobby." B: "Hobbies are great. I'm going to make a list of all the things I like to do." A: "That's a great idea. I'm going to do the same."
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