Talking to CoWorkers - Interactive Practice
Premi su Ascolta Tutto e prosegui. Dopo aver preso confidenza con l'intera conversazione, diventa il Soggetto A premendo sul tasto Soggetto A.In questo modo ascolterai solamente il Soggetto B attraverso l'utilizzo del file audio. Ci sarà silenzio in modo che tu possa ripetere le frasi del Soggetto A. Fai lo stesso con il Soggetto B. La velocità della conversazione è quella di un madrelingua. Premi il bottone pausa nel caso in cui la durata tra due frasi è troppo corta per te. Dopo aver fatto pratica per parecchie volte, sarai in grado di parlare velocemente come un madrelingua.
1 | Listen All | Person A | Person B | A: "Hey Jack. How is your day going?" B: "Just finishing the project. Other than that, not much. How about you?" A: "I'm just about finished for the day. I have one more task to do, but I wanted to take a break first." B: "Did you have to work with Jake on that project?" A: "Unfortunately, yes." B: "Oh my gosh. I feel so sorry for you." A: "Don't remind me. I'm just glad it's over." B: "Yeah. I remember when I worked on the data conversion tool with him. Everything he did, I had to re-do. It would have been faster if I did it alone." A: "That's exactly what happened to me. It took me longer because I had to re-do everything he did. That really pissed me off." B: "Next time the manager wants me to do a project with him, I'm going to tell him that I will do it myself." A: "That's a good idea. Hopefully, the manager will realize how useless he is." B: "Exactly. If you're not busy, you can do my work." A: "Ha ha. I got enough to do." B: "Yeah. I'm just kidding." A: "Alright dude. I better finish my work. I'll talk to you later."
| 2 | Listen All | Person A | Person B | A: "Hey Jordan, did you go to the team meeting this morning?" B: "Yeah. The manager presented a new project to us that we'll have to do." A: "Damn it. I shouldn't have missed that meeting, but I was stuck in another meeting. What else did you guys talk about?" B: "Everything else was the same. We talked about progress of current assignments, due dates, about hiring another worker, that's all." A: "What's the new project about?" B: "It's hard to explain. She sent out mail to all of us. You can just review the document she sent out." A: "Ok. I'll do that."
| 3 | Listen All | Person A | Person B | A: "Hey Bob, do you have a few minutes?" B: "Sure. What's up?" A: "I'm having problems with my computer. I don't know what's wrong with it." B: "Let's go take a look at it. Oh. Here is the problem. You have a boot sector virus. Install the anti-virus software. That should take care of the problem." A: "Great thanks.
| 4 | Listen All | Person A | Person B | A: "How is your day going?" B: "The same as usual. How about you?" A: "Me too. I'm getting sick of work man." B: "I'm already past that stage." A: "What are you still doing here then?" B: "It pays the bills." A: "Why don't you find another job?" B: "Well, I thought about it, but if I put in two more years, then I get a good pension. I can't give that up. Anyway, this job is boring, but at least it's easy." A: "Well, you've been here for eight years. You have something to stay for. I've only been here for two years. I can't see myself doing this for another two years. I want to gain more experience in other areas." B: "Have you brought this up to the boss? Maybe you can go into management." A: "They usually want a person with an MBA degree or a person willing to put in 80 hours a week." B: "That's what it takes man. Either this or that." A: "Yeah. I better think about what I want. Why didn't you go into management?" B: "It would have taken too much time. I have a family that I want to spend time with, so it wasn't worth it for me. But you're single. You can put in a few good years and put yourself in a good position before thinking about settling down." A: "You have a point. I'll see what my options are. Hopefully the manager will help me out with my career." B: "She's pretty cool about that. Just be honest with her and she'll show you some doors." A: "That sounds good. Thanks for the advice." B: "No problem. Good luck."
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