Talking to Strangers - Interactive Practice
Premi su Ascolta Tutto e prosegui. Dopo aver preso confidenza con l'intera conversazione, diventa il Soggetto A premendo sul tasto Soggetto A.In questo modo ascolterai solamente il Soggetto B attraverso l'utilizzo del file audio. Ci sarà silenzio in modo che tu possa ripetere le frasi del Soggetto A. Fai lo stesso con il Soggetto B. La velocità della conversazione è quella di un madrelingua. Premi il bottone pausa nel caso in cui la durata tra due frasi è troppo corta per te. Dopo aver fatto pratica per parecchie volte, sarai in grado di parlare velocemente come un madrelingua.
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "It's a nice day." B: "Yes. It is a beautiful day." A: "Do you live around here or are you visiting?" B: "I am on vacation from Korea." A: "That's cool. Are you having a good time?" B: "Yes. There are many things to see and I'm taking a lot of pictures. Do live in this city?" A: "Yeah. I'm just here with my kids. They wanted to come to the park today." B: "What's a good place to visit in this city?" A: "Where have you been so far?" B: "This was my first stop. I was going to look at my maps." A: "I recommend going to the water front in downtown. They have a ferry you can ride, some good restaurants, and a good beach for a walk." B: "How do I get there from here?" A: "You see Jackson street over there? Go straight for 10 blocks. When you see 5th Avenue, turn left. Follow the street for about 3 miles and you should see it." B: "Thanks. I'll go check it out. It was nice talking to you." A: "It was nice meeting you. Have a good time."
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "Are there so many people here all the time?" B: "I'm not sure. This is my first time here." A: "Me too. I think this is a great place." B: "Yeah. I think so too." A: "Where are you from?" B: "I'm visiting from Cleveland, Ohio. How about you?" A: "I'm from Seoul, Korea." B: "How long are you visiting for?" A: "For 2 weeks. I went to San Francisco and Los Angeles. I want to see the Grand Canyon before I go. I'll probably visit Grand Canyon on Monday." B: "Ah, looks like you are having a great time." A: "Yes I am. How long are you visiting for?" B: "I am only here for three days. My kids have been wanting to come to Disneyland for a long time." A: "That's great." B: "Oh. My family is waiting for me. I hope you enjoy your stay in America." A: "Thank you. It was nice meeting you."
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "That's such a cute dog. What kind is it?" B: "He's a cocker spaniel." A: "I have a terrier at home. What's his name?" B: "His name is Buffy." A: "Hi Buffy. You're so cute. Do you come here for a walk often?" B: "About 3 times a week. It's a good walk and Buffy likes it too." A: "It's a great place for a walk. I wish I had a trail like this at home." B: "Where are you from?" A: "I'm visiting from Korea. I live in the city so there aren't many places like this." B: "I guess that's one thing good about suburban life." A: "I wouldn't mind the slower pace of life. I am always in a hurry. That's why I wanted to come and relax." B: "That's good. How long are you staying for?" A: "I'm here for about three weeks. Oh, it looks like Buffy wants to go." B: "Yeah. Well, it was nice meeting you. I hope you have a good time here." A: "Thanks. It was nice talking to you."
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