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Pronouncing the letters M, N, and NG

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Instruction: These three sounds are mostly made with the nasal pathway. For M, press the lips together and make a sound blowing air out of the nose. For N, press the tongue on top of the upper portion of the mouth and blow air out of the nose. And for NG, press the very rear portion of the tongue and upper mouth together and blow air out of the nose.

These three sounds are made the same way using the air you breath out of the nose. The only difference is the lip and mouth position. If you plug your nose and try to make this sound, it will not be correct.

Here are some words and sentences to help you hear what they should sound like. Click on any word or sentence to hear the correct sound.


"Mary was very moody after the mid-term exam"
"The amount of sugar she used for the muffins was perfect"
"Stop beating the drum at 1 in the morning"


"They could not be any nicer."
"Nancy was not herself that morning"
"The pedestrian helped the old lady cross the street"


"Tell the young maid to bring the mop"
"The couple were dancing all night long"

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