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Shopping - Presents

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Shopping for presents

Almost everyone needs to buy a present. Let's look at some sentences that you will need.

It's common to ask a birthday person what they want.

"What do you want for your birthday?"
"Do you need anything?"

Or, you can ask a friend of a birthday person.

"What do you think John wants for his birthday?"
"What do you think I should get for John?"
"What are you getting John for his birthday?"

Buying something for a girlfriend or boyfriend is a little different. If you don't have any ideas, then you can ask a sales person. Let's say you want to buy your girlfriend a piece of jewelry.

"I want to buy my girlfriend a birthday present. Do you have any suggestions?"

Or if you want to buy a boyfriend a tie or a shirt, you can go to a place like Banana Republic and ask them.

"I'm shopping for my boyfriend's birthday. Can you help me pick out something?"

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