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There are several facts to smoking. First, smoking is bad for you. Second, everyone knows it's bad for you, but many people still smoke. I will cover two aspects of smoking. First, we will learn about asking for a cigarette. And second, we will learn about what people say about smokers and the conversations that take place between non-smokers and smokers.

First, let's talk about smokers.

There is not much you need to know except how to ask for a cigarette. What else are you going to say?

"Do you have an extra cigarette?"
"May I have a cigarette?"
"Can I have a cigarette?"

Sometimes, you can ask while giving a reason.

"Can I get a cigarette from you? I just ran out."
"I forgot my smokes at my house. Do you have an extra one?"

There are other terminologies you can use.

"Can I bum a cigarette from you?"
"Can I bum one of those?"
"Do you have an extra cigarette I can bum?"

"I need a cigarette. Can you help me out?"

Bum is another way of saying beggar. In essence, you are admitting that you are a bum for asking. Although the meaning can sound pretty serious, many people use this term to be polite.

Answering these questions is pretty simple.

Nobody ever says, 'No.' That's just too rude. If it's a friend, then you don't even need to say anything. Just pull out the pack of cigarettes and hand your friend a cigarette. But here are some other things you can say.

"I think I have a spare."
"Here you go."

If you are sitting at a coffee shop, you can put it on the counter and say,

"No need to ask, just help yourself."

If you don't have anymore then you can say,

"Sorry. I just ran out."
"This was my last one."
"I bummed this one off another person."

Or if it's a stranger walking by, you can ignore them and keep walking without saying anything, although this could be rude.

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