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The third step above is primarily for presentations. When you have to give an explanation, you might not have time to prepare for it. If someone asks you a question, you can't tell them that you will need two hours to prepare before answering.

However, if it is work related, you have the ability to anticipate questions ahead of time. Think of your area of expertise and list many questions you have heard from co-workers or friends. If you speak in your own language, you know exactly how to say it without preparing for it. But in English, you don't know where to begin. List all your answers out and learn how to say it in English. If you do this, then anytime you get asked a question about your area, you can quickly respond. Here is an example with more tips.

"Can you explain the process of selling a house and the cost associated with it?"

"You can either sell the house by yourself or get an agent. Since most of the people use an agent, I will explain that. The first thing you need to do is find a sellers agent. The agent will list your house on the market. After the house is on the market, people who are looking to buy a house will find a buyers agent. The buyers agent looks through the list of houses for sale posted by the sellers agent. The buyers agent shows your house to potential buyers. When someone makes an offer, the buyers agent will let the sellers agent know about the price that the buyer has offered. After everyone agrees, the house is sold. The price associated with selling a house is based on commission. The sellers agent will get an average of 2.5 percent of the selling price and the buyers agent will get 2.5 percent as well. If the price of the house was $300,000, then each agent will get $7500, costing you a total of $15,000."

You're first reaction might be, 'when am I ever going to be able to say all this at one time?' But it is much easier than you think. I'll explain further.

We have someone asking about selling a house or something. We have to explain the process. Even if you don't know the process of selling a house in America, you can use the same guideline for your area of expertise. If you can say each sentence individually, then you can say all of them put together.

I start by saying there are a couple of ways to sell a house.
Then the example says you will explain the more common process.

From here, it is basically listing steps.

1. "The first thing you need to do is find a sellers agent."
2. "The agent will list your house on the market."
3. "After the house is on the market, people who are looking to buy a house will find a buyers agent."
4. "The buyers agent looks through the list of houses for sale posted by the sellers agent."
5. "The buyers agent shows your house to potential buyers."
6. "When someone makes an offer, the buyers agent will let the sellers agent know about the price that the buyer has offered."
7. "After everyone agrees, the house is sold."
8. "The price associated with selling a house is based on commission."
9. "The sellers agent will get an average of 2.5 percent of the selling price and the buyers agent will get 2.5 percent as well."
10. "If the price of the house was $300,000, then each agent will get $7500, costing you a total of $15,000."

This list seems pretty simple now. Each sentence is relatively short. There is no difference between the long paragraph and the listed out items. Both contain the same words. All I did was put them together.

Finally, if you feel that you cannot create these sentences even in a list form, use an example that you are familiar with. I'm sure you will have an easy time creating a list if the topic is in your area of expertise.

I recommend listening to the paragraph again. But this time, listen to the speed I talk. Also, listen to the pauses after each sentence. Notice that I don't have unnecessary words like 'and', 'moreover', 'furthermore', 'Afterwards', and so on. These are good words, but you don't need them that much when you are explaining something verbally. Using pauses between sentences and speaking clearly and slowly is the best way to communicate an explanation.

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