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Pediatric Care

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A doctor that specializes in pediatrics is a children's doctor. Choosing the right one can make you feel more comfortable as well as make it a good experience for your child.

Choosing a Doctor

When choosing a doctor for your child you can ask your friends or family for recommendations, try one out simply by finding them on the internet, or using one supplied by the hospital where your child was born.

Here are some questions commonly used when choosing a doctor.

"Do you have a recommendation for a Pediatric doctor?"
"Can the hospital my child was born at recommend any?"
"Can I visit the doctor's office before going there?"
"Are there reviews on Pediatric doctors?"
"Do I just call to make an appointment?"
"Will I need to go to certain doctors because of insurance?"
"What if I do not have any insurance?"

If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"We have one we have used for years, I will give you her name and number."
"I know of a couple really good ones. I will call you with their information."

"Sure, they can usually provide you with a list."
"Sometimes they can give you names and numbers of doctors associated with their hospital."

"You should be able to visit before your appointment."
"I would call and ask them first. Each office can be different."

"Sometimes you can find reviews on the internet."
"I would just go off of recommendations."

"Just call and tell them you are a new patient."
"You can call or just stop in. If you stop in you can see the office first hand."

"Most insurance companies have a network of doctors associated with them."
"Yes, I would get a list of doctors from my insurance company."

"You do not need insurance but you will have to pay for everything yourself."
"I would check. Some places require that you have medical insurance."

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