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Hang In There

Meaning/Usage: Used to tell someone to not give up; to be persistent; to not lose hope

Explanation: Another term that is often used is "hanging by a thread." In both phrases, the word "hang" is referring to holding to something. If you are holding on to a branch, then letting go indicates that you fall down and fail. Hanging by a thread is barely holding on. So when you tell someone to "hang in there," you are telling them to not let go and keep on fighting even though it is hard.

"Hang in there. I am sure things will work out in the end."
"I know things are tough right now, just hang in there."
"Hang in there. Things will get a lot better."

A. "Work is not going well right now. They are talking about laying people off soon."
B. "Just try and hang in there and hopefully things get better."

Other Common Sentences

"Be patient."
"Don't lose hope."
"Keep going, don't give up."

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